Real Deal Workshop
Our Real Deal Negotiation Workshops are focused on helping the participants to work out pragmatic, successful strategies to negotiate optimal agreements in real-life deals.
These Negotiation Workshops are provided either in our offices in Zurich, Switzerland - or on-site at your offices, if possible.
The daily rate covers 8 hours of work-time per day, but does not include long-distance travel time & expenses, which will be invoiced separately after the respective workshop, whereby payment of these extra costs is due within 10 days after our issuing the respective invoice.
In the course of our Real Deal Negotiation Workshops participants learn and apply cutting-edge negotiation techniques and develop a practical application plan for a real negotiation they expect to be facing shortly in their business context.
The workshop is lead by a seasoned international business negotiation expert, focused on providing the participants with real, immediate, relevant learning experiences which they can quickly, effectively and efficiently translate into improved negotiation results in the business world every day.
Your investment in this Real Deal Negotiation Workshop will help your business to become more competitive and profitable within your fast-changing economic environment!
Once you have bought your Negotiation Workshop through our web-shop, we will contact you to confirm the timing, location and pre-work for the respective session!